Saturday, January 31, 2009

just for fun.

On Facebook I was tagged to write 25 things about myself. Since not everyone has facebook I thought I would put it up here...If you are brave enough, you can put 25 things about yourself in the comment section of this blog :) c' a good sport!

1. I am pretty sure that if I had another child I could not love it as much as I love Scout therefore, I do not think I should have anymore kids.
2.I started pilates about a month ago, and I am hooked!
3. I miss living at the beach, and I WILL move back!
4. Scout's dad is still one of my best friends...even though he drives me nuts. And, I see the best of him in my little girl.
5.I love to travel, and would like to work for surf aid... and I want to bring Scout along.
6. I just finished nursing school, I love it and I can not wait to continue my education.
7. I am proud of my siblings..all for different reasons and writing this makes me think I should tell them.
8. My dad always knows how to get his girls to a clean restroom, no matter where the heck we are... he can find us one! This is just one of the many reasons no man will ever be able to measure up to my father!
9. There are no tattoos on my back because it is reserved for a huge tattoo in honor of my grandma...sorry Mom.
10.If you do not salute the American flag in front of me, you will hear about it! AND... TAKE OFF YOUR HAT.
11.Chivalry is not dead..I only date boys who open doors, pull out chairs, meet me at my front door, etc. And I will expect my daughter to do the same. However, I know & I will teach her that it goes both ways... and girls should be thoughtful of the guys too.
12. I think....Bill Murray RULES
13. I am convinced my mom is a superhero is a womans body... anyone who knows her would agree.
14.Without a doubt, I have earned the name Messy Jesi.
15. Stevi & Sarah are my best friends... and I mean it. This past year would have been so much harder without them and I wish I could repay them!
16.I spoil Scout, but not rotten.
17. My cat licks... like a dog.
18. It is pretty much impossible to gross me out.
19. Tool is one of my VERY favorite bands...EVER. I have seen them 4 times. 3 of the 5 CDs in my car are Tool and Scout headbangs if I turn it up. :)
20. I love going to Rock Harbor...but i wont be bummed on you for not being into it.
21. I wish I could use paper plates, and only paper plates b/c I HATE DOING DISHES!!!
22. I am pretty much banking on jeopardy as my retirement plan. :)
23. I LOVE red tide and can not wait to show Scout this summer.
24. Scout insists that her chonies match her outfits and I think that it is my fault...but it makes me laugh.
25. Obviously, Scout is the center of my universe. When I found out I was pregnant I had NO IDEA what I was in for but I can not imagine my life any other way!


Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

I couldn't think of 25 things 2 say about myself if u paid me. I say use paper plates & cups & disposable untensils....too bad there's not disposable pots & pans 2. There's a reason my kitchens always filled w dishes.

Jesi And Scout said...
