And we saw Woody and Jessie from Toy Story 2
Mickey & Minnie Mouse, of course
Stevi & Derek were with us today...Derek was not much into the charcters but he LOVES Dumbo :)
The next time we go to Disneyland Scout wants to find Mary Poppins ( she LOVES "Poppins"), & Chip & Dale. But now we know about the "Toon Finder" so it should be much easier :). Hope you enjoy the pictures.
xoxo- j & s
p.s. If you guys actually read this...leave a comment so I dont feel like I am doing this just for myself. :)
obviously i read this, but just so you know i always try to leave comments but i look at it at work and i can nver remember my login.
I read your blog and I love it? Of course, I'm probably a little biased:). I mean what grandparents wouldn't want pictures and getting to see special moments in their grandchild's life? So thanks, Jes! I appreciate it and I can't help but think how much Scoutie will enjoy looking back on these memories too.
Grandma Neeny
P.S. I, also, got a kick out of the 25 things about yourself. Very honest, fun, insightful, creative, and a whole lot more gutsy than me:).
P.S.S. We all, (parents in general), think we will never love another child like we do our 1st, but amazingly we do. (That's just in case you ever reconsider about having another one:)
thanks guys!!
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