I finally "manned up" and took my boards Feb.19th, I am still waiting for my results. I do not feel very good about the exam. I was very nervous and I think I may need to retake it, how embarassing!! But, good news or bad news...I'll post when I know. The 21st of Feb. my Mom let us have Scout's 3rd birthday party at her house. It was an Ariel party. She had a blast..got lots of lots of Ariel loot as well as other things involving mermaids, unicorns, Barbies, clothes etc. She was totally stoked. Here is a pic of the cake my Dad brought to the party. Scout was very impressed with this cake fit for a princess.

The party was great. Thank you to everyone for your thoughtful gifts, it is always nice to get togther and watch the kids run wild :).
Since I have yet to hear if I am or am not a legit nurse...I have gone back to work for my Dad. This time I feel much better about it. I can not wait to be a nurse and work in a hospital but I am enjoying working at the office for now. Scout has taken over a cubicle and calls it "her office" she regularly answers the phone" This is Scoutie" and loves to "check her e-mail". Usually when I tell her it is time to go home, she tells me I need to "SHHHHH!" because she is working and reminds me I need to wait if she is talking on the phone.
Well...that is all for now. Promise I will post more pics of Scoutie's party as soon as Lil Meg e-mails them to me.
Keep in touch. Love- J&S
1 comment:
AWE Happy BDAY Scout!
When will find out the results of your exam?
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