When I began this blog (forever ago)I wrote that my follow through with this sort of thing is not so hot. I did well for a while but July of last year when I began to work full time...I stopped blogging completely. Since then way too much has happened to fill you in day by day but...I can say a few things to catch you up and I will start posting again starting today :).
I am working full time as a nurse, in hospice. I love it. Although it is difficult for me to be away from Scout so much, I feel like this is the best job for me right now. I work with many wonderful people who encourage and inspire me daily. I learn, I grow, and I enjoy each day I go to work. And I seriously have the best boss ever :). I plan to BEGIN to FINISH by BSN this summer. I have a lot of support and determination so I KNOW I CAN DO IT!
My lil Princess just turned 4...can you believe it? 4! She is in pre-school... and she LOVES it. Everyday she gets just a lil sassier and more imaginative. She is funniest kid in the whole world. I seriously just can not get enough of her!

& @ Disneyland:

"The Marine" has been promoted from "just a friend" to a "boyfriend"...and I LOVE HIM...so does Miss Scoutie. He returned from Afghanistan in December and he will be home until January (fingers crossed).Here is a a pic from the night he got home... and another from a weekend we spent in Santa Barbs...<3!